I've been so lucky, and honoured to have wonderful people give me
blogger awards.
I received a great award from Tereza Anton of
Drastic Plastic - if you click on the image it will take you to the page.
How Amazing is that? Thank you Tereza Anton! it was so unexpected but lovely.
So now comes the interesting bit: 7 Things you didn't know about me.
As you all know I will be participating in my first Fitness Competition come this Saturday so a lot of my "favourite things will be around food, fears, and of course fashion :)
1. I am deathly afraid of Spiders!
2. My favourite fruit in the entire world are cherries! I could eat them forever. And plan on having enough to put me in a sugar induced coma come Saturday night!
3. Nutella is the greatest creation on earth - a Chocolate Hazelnut spread? Yes Please!
4. I am in love with IsoBar Protein Bars. They are absolutely positively Ah-mazing. If you haven't tried it you MUST. I am not a fan of protein bars in the least BUT these bars? I am DREAMING o0f consuming them. I think I prefer the vanilla over the chocolate but then again I don’t know! They are both so good and not too bad for carb content either. It's an organic bar as well which I love, no artificial preservatives, low in sodium and DEE-licious!
I am smitten by these bars sooo yummy! |
5. I'm left handed. Yup friends, they say that left handed people are very creative.
6. I covet many wonderful items from Zara and Club Monaco but admire from afar.
7. I won a pair of shoes in a Giveaway! ( I will be telling you more about this in a following post!)
The 7 blogs I am choosing to give this award to range in fashion, fitness and life. They have been my rocks, daily read and forms of inspiration over the past months. so lovlies- This goes out to you!
You all have been so wonderful! and believe me it was hard to choose. There are so many other daily inspirations out there. you are not forgotten!
What you have to do to accept: thank me {YES please!}, do a post about your new award,
say 7 things about you, do the "favorite list" thing, give the award to 7
blogs to pay it forward!
*Please note the pictures on today's post are not my own and have been taken from stock photos on Google Images.