
Carrot Cake Fever and Post Comp Treats

Day 4 is coming to a close and want to know whats on my mind? 
1) Brunch

Sunday Morning following the Competition, I am hosting along with my friend a Stella and Dot Jewellery Party along with Brunch. My Favourite Food Group of all time. If I could eat breakfast food for every meal I would gladly accept. Give me Oats, Eggs, and a bowl of Fruit and I will be your best pal EVER. : )

Other than brunch  ALL I WANT is Carrot Cake. Seriously? YES. All different types of Carrot Cake. Carrot Cake in the form of cupcakes with cream cheese icing.

Carrot Cake like the 6 layer carrot Cake that was made lat night on Kitchen Nightmares. OMG can I JUST shove my face in it?
This is not the actual cake I couldn't find it online but it was worth of a blog post :P

Carrot Cake from Murray St.
They have fabulous Charcuterie too!

Carrot Cake with Walnuts

Carrot Cake Bites....

Carrot Cupcakes and Muffins

I think you get the point.... clearly I have been torturing myself with Carrot Infused
 goodies via Food blogs. Please note these pictures do not belong to me and I used Google images to get them. 

Other than my fixation with carrot cake, I really just want a huge bowl of oatmeal (with almond Milk and nuts) and fruit! Those are the things I trully want to eat : )

So weird how it all changes, No longer to do I want that burger or pizza. Its really simple clean eats :) and maybe Nutella : )

What do you crave? what are your favourite treats to eat?


  1. Oh my gawwwwwwwwd Fresh has the best carrot cake ever made.  Every single person that I have brought there has said that it is the best thing they have ever tasted, whether they were vegan or not.  It is so moist and delicious.  I have actually called in and ordered WHOLE ones for my Birthday and Graduation.  That's how good it is.  You will be shocked and happy and in love.  I can't wait.

  2. Love this post! I was the same way as I got closer to the competition and things continued to get cut, I was craving huge bowls of oatmeal with a BANANA and brussel sprouts!  

    I also craved chocolate and peanut butter like crazy too!Everyone says it won't taste as good when you finally get to eat it, but don't listen.  I don't even remember tasting anything, it was all about feeding the mental craving finally! And it was wonderful!  

    I watched Master Chef last too!  I don't even like carrot cake and that cake looked delicious!

  3. Do not tempt me with carrot cake.  The closest thing to actual carrot cake that I can eat is a mini carrot cake from Weight Watchers.  I know, right?  Sad.

    http://www.glamkittenslitterbox.com/Twitter: @GlamKitten88 

  4. Yum! I love oatmeal & Carrot Cake! Cool, I've been seeing a lot of stella and dot woman around at different events. Let us know how your party goes!

    Shasie of Live
    Life in Style

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  5. I love carrot cakes!! Oh so yummy haha..A craving I am having for a long time..Red Velvet Cake..its my absolute fav and actually I make a pretty good one..at least that what people have told me haha...with cream cheese icing its heaven!!!

    The Black Label

  6. What do I crave? Um how many chapters do you want? Let's start with smore cookies. Next maybe a chili cheese dog. Then some chili cheese fries. I like coca cola from Mexico. Only drink soda there. Oh and cream cheese on a fat bagel. Then sushi with cream cheese. Tempura! Ok I'm gross and I'll stop. U must post pics of your victory brunch! Don't wear that belt uh oh.


  7. Carrot cake looks good! I got your comment ok - and thank you! I cannot believe how strong you are... googling food images?! I could never do that! I'm hungry already just by seeing your pics! I'm an insensitive carnivore, so most of the times I crave for something meaty or plain salty! Have a lovely day!

  8. Oh my that look so good! I really need to bake more. Hard to do when everyone in my family except me are diabetic. :-( Why should I have to suffer too! lol

    Maryjane xoxo

  9. Now I definitely crave carrot cake and choco in general. x hivenn

  10. Yummy, the carrot cake looks so delicious!!!

  11. those pictures look DELISH! only a few more days and you're going to have a blast eating at that Brunch! hehe my favourite treats are red velvet cupcakes (there is this cute little cupcake store near the university in Hamilton- LOVE LOVE), jalapeno kettle cooked chips AND of course seasoned french fries. YUM YUM. i just got hungry... 

  12. Ah, I so love you for mentioning Brunch - it is seriously the best way to catch up with your BFF's and always makes you feel glamorous. As for carrot cake...swoon! I am addicted to the cream cheese frosting!!  :P

  13. Your getting so close!!! YUM O to carrot cake! I almost made these carrot cake balls the other day because I didnt want the carrots we had to go bad.. but i resisted lol. Food porn will be your best friend for the next few days and then once you get your fill of bad food youll be like gimme something clean stat!! LOL 

  14. SunnydaysandstarrynightsJuly 13, 2011 at 12:48 PM

    I love carrot cake and I bake any amazing delicious one.  It is so moist and everyone has always given me lots of comments on it.  ..Okay now I am going to have to bake myself a carrot cake this weekend.

  15. Carrot cake is one of my absolute favourite desserts! When I was in uni on a meal plan they were too cheap to put real cream cheese  in the carrot cake frosting, so we used to scrape it off, mix in cream cheese from the bagel station and scoop it back on. This is the LCBO recipe I was telling you aboutÀ(http://lcbo.com/lcbo-ear/RecipeController?language=EN&recipeType=1&action=recipe&recipeID=3379), I'll try to track down my ex-roommate's recipe too.

  16. I hear ya! I'm dreaming of greek yogurt with granola and fruit! :-) I'm so excited for you!! 

  17. My mouth is watering right now. I didn't know until this moment, but I am totally craving carrot cake and could eat it for every meal. It sounds that good. 

    Just discovered your blog and I love it! Would love for you to check mine out and follow if you like. Love making new bloggy friends!

    Along Abbey Road

  18. Um, I think the real question is what DON'T I crave! :P Sweet, salty and sour, I crave them all! As for the 31st of July, I'm supposed to be at a cottage that weekend :( I'll let you know if anything changes!

  19. Nutella and Carrot Cake I'm convinced are one of the 8 wonders of the world!! lol. Soooo yum! xo

  20. Now all I can think about is carrot cake!  And ohmygoodness, you're getting so close!

  21. i sent a link to this post to my boyfriend bc that man is in LOVE with carrot cake. its the only kind of cake he'll eat. lol 

  22. So appetive *_* 
    new post :)Greets! good week !

  23. Makes me feel hungry!

    Thanks for your lovely comments
    My Lyfe ; My Story

  24. Yumm!  Carrot cakes!  You asked about the coconut cupcakes - and I apologize I missed your comment - you CAN make with handheld electric beaters...but the butter & sugar is beaten for 5 minutes....  Good Luck and I think carrot cake is a fine idea!

  25. hahahaha.. about 4 days out from my show I posted almost the EXACT same blog!

  26. Thank you! i will be making your recipe soon enough!

  27. Haha Carrot cake is definitely the bomb : )

  28. Lol I know its been on the brain for a while! and show day tomorrow! 
    oh dear!

  29. I will definitely take a look right now. Im so sorry I didnt get a chance earlier. Its been one crazy week as you can imagine!

  30. Its crazy the cravings you get right? I heart carrot cake though like nobodys business : )

  31. Hi!!  Gorgeous!!!
    I really love your blog !I follow you :D
    ... maybe if your want, you could visit my blog too and follow me back! ( I hope you like it ) ;)
    Kisses from México city!


Thank you so much for your Comments! I love hearing what you have to say. It gives me inspiration and motivation to continue being here : ) XOXO - N

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