
16 January 2012

Snow Bunny

This past Saturday, on a blistering cold day, Kat from a Second Glance and I decided to venture out and take some pictures of our snow gear. When I say cold I mean -30 Celsius! For my American friends, that’s -22F. Normally I balk at the very thought of being outdoors, let alone agreeing to being outside willingly, but a decision had been made to get together and so we did (Kat I must like you a lot ;)).

Though cold, it was a bright and beautiful day. Kat and I took turns taking each others photos between running back to the car to warm up. It was definitely a day for a warm mug of hot cocoa that’s for sure.
What I am Wearing:
COACH (bought last year)
COACH Oscelot (Last year)
COACH (2 years old) …I'm sure you can see a theme here….but that’s what happens when you work for a company for 3 years!

What do you do to keep warm during the winter? How do you brave the cold?


  1. WOW! Look at all the snow. Looks like a lot of fun! :) 
    ♡ from ©

  2. WOW that's so cold!!! Until I met my husband (who is Canadian), I actually didn't know people could survive in temperatures below zero. Seriously. It never occurred to me that other places in the world weren't like Australia. Here the coldest it ever gets in winter is about 18 Celcius. When I went to Europe during the winter, I had to go back inside because I thought I was going to die from the cold! I gradually adjusted but it was certainly a shock ;)

  3. SunnydaysandstarrynightsJanuary 16, 2012 at 8:37 PM

    These photos are so beautiful.  You look lovely.  I love the pretty playful photos.

  4. You are so gorgeous!! Love your clothes btw...want to steal your wardrobe! =)

  5. I love that you two went out and braved -30 to get these shots. The scenery really is stunning, there's nothing quite as beautiful as white, white snow... Such a shame it has to be accompanied by freezing temperatures. And you look lovely while still practical, especially in the fifth to last shot. So gorgeous!

  6. Thank you!
    Thats such a wonderful comment! do you have a blog I can visit?

  7. Thank you :) and let me tell you the sun was deceiving but the shots were worth it : )
    PS I am having a hard time commenting on your blog! I have to reply to a comment :S

  8. Oh my! I can never imagine stepping out in such cold weather! But your photos came out great so its worth it :)
    Do check out my latest video post on my blog!

  9. Gah! You look so incredibly adorable! I can never resist the snow bunny look!  :P

  10. I love your jacket! It's hard to find winter wear that stands up to our Canadian climate while still looking stylish.

  11. cute outfit hahaha it was so cold over the weekend I was like noo I'm not goig outside to take pics I'm even just going to eat instant noodles than go grocery shopping!!

  12. Such a great post, I like it!!! The
    photos are simply fab!


    Take a look and if you want we can
    follow each others: Cosa mi metto???

  13. How freakin cute! Your snow gear is so fetch! I wouldnt have expected anything less. Mine involves bibs and pink and suspenders. Very gross. 


  14. So cute! And I'm sorry that it's so cold! Brrrr. You're brave to go outside in that temperature!

  15. so pretty....i wish we had snow! definitely missing it!

  16. Cute pictures! Il ove the jacket! I've lived in Alaska where -40 was normal for winter. I have to say, the colder it is, the prettier it usually is outside. Funny how that works. But yes, I refuse to go out in that cold. I'd rather sit inside, warm and cozy =)

  17. I had no idea Coach sold winter coats- yours is adorable! Did you know that I have lived in Ottawa for 5+ yrs and still don't own a warm winter jacket or waterproof boots?!? This year I have got to change that!

  18. i'm a little jealous you have snow because these photos are gorgeous! xx

  19. that coat looks extra warm. looks like fun too.

    Fashion Steele NYC

  20. if it's gotta be freexing cold you might as well look cute while enduring it! love this

    xoxo danni

  21. So cute! And I'm sorry that it's so cold! Brrrr. You're brave to go outside in that temperature!


Thank you so much for your Comments! I love hearing what you have to say. It gives me inspiration and motivation to continue being here : ) XOXO - N