
22 February 2012

Chill Factor

I hate the cold. Have I mentioned that before? I can say with confidence I actually loathe it. It doesn’t help that I am constantly cold all year round (A/C is not my friend), neither is walking (more like tiptoeing) outside when its slippery, ice and wet, praying I will keep my balance and not end up one with the sidewalk.

Besides having two left feet, I do however, enjoy Fall and Winter clothing. Thick sweaters, warm colours, and jackets.

What I am Wearing:
Jacket: Parasuco (Borrowed)
Scarf: (Gifted - but stolen! sigh!)
Boots: Nine West 

Are you fan or foe of winter?


  1. I have the same thing going on in my mind -- I hate the cold, but I love cold weather fashion.  Leather jackets and knee-high boots are my best friends.
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88 

  2. very nice winter outfit 

  3. Gorgeous! Reading your winter posts makes me excited. I'm moving to London in a week and I'll get to experience the end of my very first winter. I only own one coat, and I bought that for the last time I went to Europe. You just don't need warm clothes here in Australia. It would be perfect for you if you hate the cold - it never goes below 18 celcius!

  4. Girl I am right with you with hatred of the cold!!! The biggest reason I moved to Houston to get away from Northern winters, and STILL it gets cold down here sometimes! I love this look though! The boots are fab

    Shasie of Live
    Life in Style

  5. I love your outfit.  Mixing neutrals is one of my favorites.  Love your boots!

  6. All the things you describe here, is exactly what I feel when it's Winter. And it suck, I know. A/C is also not something I use in any season whatsoever. 

  7. your description makes it sound like the scarf was stolen by the person who gave it to you, lol!! We know what you mean ;) I am still mourning the loss of it too :(

  8. haha so true! want to know what was so sweet? I went home this weekend, and my aunt gave me her scarf!

    Needless to say I wont be wearing that scarf to work again.

  9. Must move to Australia! they say its like Canada no? ;)

  10. Thanks! :) Can you send me your link? I would love to visit your blog!

  11. SunnydaysandstarrynightsFebruary 23, 2012 at 5:40 PM

    I have two left feet too.  So the ice and snow kind of freak me out when I have to go out in it.  Love your boots and scarf.  Very pretty.

  12. love this outfit and also your blog! It's so nice!!! I follow

    Pass to my blog and if it likes you follow me too, I will be
    so glad :D


  13. Oh no! Is the scarf still "missing"? Well, Im right with you, I hate the cold as well BUT this year I was prepared with all these long coats I thrifted during the summer and guess what? It wasnt even a cold winter. Oh well, at least now I have a collection.


  14. It's so funny, I despise the cold when it's actually here, but then like it when it's too hot! At the moment it has been quite cold most places I go. trying to enjoy it and stay warm. Love your coat w/ those boots! -xx

  15. love this look  and also your blog! It's so nice!!! I follow

    Pass to my blog and if it likes you follow me too, I will be
    so glad :D


  16. Winter = FOE!! I do not like the cold either. But you are right....the clothes can be amazing. Love this outfit. Thank you for stopping by my blog!!
    Dressology HQ


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