
14 April 2012

Elements of Freedom

Golden Handcuffs. 

I use this phrase a lot. Not just when it comes to work, but exercise, and food too. They’re all just pieces of the puzzle and at times can be elements of freedom, but also a modus operandi - like dangling a carrot in front of a horse to get it to go from point A to point B. My life, is a patchwork, incorporating elements of freedom: it requires patience, demands hard work, can sometimes be overwhelming, liberating, restraining and satisfying.

One of these elements is competing. I love challenging my body, restricting foods (freeing myself from a high carb diet), and being the best possible version of myself. But I HATE getting on stage (this is not free-ing for me, in fact, brings about a tonne of anxiety).

But that doesn't mean I am going to give in to my fears. The plan is to continue paring down as if I am going to compete but the goal in mind right now is to do a fitness photoshoot (May 2012). If I feel up for it I will compete, if not, well I can always wait till other summer dates or even October!  This time around comp dieting has been relatively easy! I’m already down to my competition weight from July 2011. Looking forward to the changes to come. 


  1. There's nothing wrong with waiting! Shows will always be there!!

    Can't wait to see what changes you make & your pics from your shoot!

  2. I love that photo, and I can't wait to see more! 

  3. A fitness photoshoot sounds like great motivation - you look awesome above!

    xoxo,Chic 'n Cheap Living

  4. Oh yeah, look who's back in the ring. Way to go girl, best of luck. And have you ever tried taking a shot before you go on stage? Might kill the nerves ;)


  5. I love how you state that you love challenging your body, with training and restrictive diet. I see it like that as well. Challenging my body with training and the right kind of diet, makes me feel good. 
    I think it's great that you are considering an fitness photo shoot. 

  6. good luck hun! and yeah sometimes it's so hard to keep on the track of exercising and eating healthy- I'm eating a cupcake right now haha

  7. That photo is so insanely gorgeous N! We all need a break from our healthy regime sometimes (I took almost a 2 week hiatus from the gym thanks to my vacay and am so sore now- my muscles weren't used to the weights anymore!)

  8. Awesome, awesome photo! REALLY need to get off my lazy toosh and EXERCISE!!!

  9. Competition is good, but we should at least choose a healthy competition that can also give benefits to us. We know our limits but we know also how to exceed our limits if we only strive hard and learn how to adopt new things. internal medicine


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