
13 June 2012

Nini Sketched

A little less than 2 months ago I saw a lovely post on one of my Favourite Blogger’s Baby Budget Blog. The post was a sketch/recreation of herself created by Dear Girl Wallflower. I was blown away! Through the blogging world I have come to meet people with so many styles, interests and talents. Having seen what Dear Girl could do , I just had to contact her to see if wouldn’t mind doing up a drawing of me. DG was absolutely wonderful and was more than happy to do a recreation of me with a photo I supplied her with. I loved what Dear Girl was able to capture and I have included some of the sketches below. You can check out the original post here

Thank you DG!

Photos I supplied DG to do the drawing



  1. She did do a wonderful job capturing you! Love the look back and the hand on the hip!! Thanks so much too for mentioning my blog :)
    Julie Nolan Astrological Jewelry Giveaway

  2. great sketches. i would love to have some done of me....just out of curiosity!

    [oomph.]Win a FREE pair of glasses from Firmoo

  3. How freaking cute! I was just having a conversation with my boyfriend about fashion illustrations and saying how I could prob never design clothes cause I dont know the first thing about drawing haha. This is so cool that she did that for you.


  4. It's my pleasure...thank you for reposting this:)  
    I will be liking you on facebook, im inviting you to like me back..
    I'm following you too.
    Baby Budget is also my favorite!

  5. How cool is this- you're now a piece of art! :) Such a neat idea- will have to check out her blog!

  6. Love the art!  You look great in real life or artwork!

  7. it´s really brilliant how she captured you and your style in this wonderful illustration!

  8. Awesome! It's really neat how she interpreted your style and personality. Always cool to see how someone else views you via a portrait!


Thank you so much for your Comments! I love hearing what you have to say. It gives me inspiration and motivation to continue being here : ) XOXO - N