
20 August 2012

Cinnamon-Vanilla Egg Puffs

I'm always on the look out for new recipes and treats that are guilt-free, tasty and above all satisfying. I had heard a lot about "egg-puffs" and was curious to try them out and see if it really worked. The best recipe I have found so far comes from Vanilla Bean Lean's website and you can see her recipe here

 Ingredients for Cinnamon-Vanilla Egg Puffs
Egg whites (I used the carton)
Cinnamon (to taste)
Stevia (powder or liquid I used a packet of vanilla flavoured Stevia)
Splash of Vanilla extract

This recipe is a cinch! Pre-heat oven to 350-400 F. Then, whip the egg whites until they form peaks (I used a hand held mixer) add in your cinnamon, vanilla or any other spice you like and whip some more. The egg will look frothy but you should see the points formed when its ready. For stiff peaks, beat egg whites on high speed until they form peaks that stand up straight when beaters are lifted.
Once ready, place on a baking tray (in whatever dollop sizes you like) and bake until you see the puffs beginning to brown. This should take between 7-12 minutes. Cool and enjoy!
Sadly my Camera decided to stop working just as they were popping out of the oven and they didn't last long because they were gobbled up!  But I did borrow a picture from VB's site below.
Photo Credit:


  1. Great -- Now I am STARVING. :) These look delicious.
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  2. Vanessa Billie-Jill-JeanAugust 20, 2012 at 2:15 PM

    Yummy yummy,nice recipe.^^
    Would you like to follow each other on BLOGLOVIN and GFC???
    Mein Blog

  3. yum! looks delicious :) guilt free recipes are the best!
    p.s. i'm your newest follower :)

  4. Hello, yummy! I'm guessing these taste something like less-sweet meringue? I will be trying this recipe soon!

  5. definitely need to try this asap. YUM!

  6. definitely need to try this asap. YUM!


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