
Year of Fear Challenge

This year I didn’t really give myself any New Year resolutions. Mostly I wasn’t exactly sure what I wanted to do or conquer. That’s where inspiring bloggers like Donloree come in. She’s decided to do one thing each month that scares her for an entire year.
My First Reaction was this:
From Google Images
My Second was this:
But what does the Year of Fear Challenge really mean? 
The year of fear is about conquering one thing (big or small) each month for 2013 that puts you out of your comfort zone. It means trying new things and not being afraid and ultimately becoming a a better version of yourself. Isn’t there something you’ve wanted to try or do but been scared to do it? I for one am not going to allow fear to navigate 2013 so the challenge for January is to get rid of 25% of my personal things

This is going to be extremely tough. Given that I am a fashion blogger I am constantly looking for hand me downs and clothes from friends and family. I keep things that are vintage, things that have potential, things that may come back in style. I also have a personal training business so I have weights, dumbbells, mats etc. and don’t even get me started on my books! But with less I know I can do more in my space, and be more creative in all aspects of life including my closet.  Its also going to be interesting given that I am having major renovations done. I had a flood earlier this summer and my floors are finally being replaced among other things. It will difficult to accomplish by February 1st, 2012. but I wont let fear stop me from trying!

  • If I haven’t used, worn, or enjoyed in over a year…buh-bye! 
  • Only my things are up for getting rid of – clothes, books, hobbies, sporting goods, all other things that belong to others must be returned. 
  • Duplicates and ‘back ups’ have to go. 
  • Keep things I love, not things I like. 
  • Things that have sentimental value or are personally valuable (ex: my figure and bikini suit from my first fitness competition) can be kept if there is space and they don’t put me over 75% of keeping things.
I'm going to tackle this project by dedicating a half hour each night to the project and a few hours on the weekend. I'll keep you all updated on how it goes, and if you want to join, simply write a comment below, or join Donloree here


  1. I actually began organizing all of my clothes a couple weeks ago and I am slowly trying to follow these rules. I have already given away or donated so many clothes but I still am seriously lacking in college space.

    Tracy @
    Sunny Days and Starry Nights

  2. What a cool idea for 2013 - I can't wait to follow your year of fear!

    Kate xo petite-adventures.blogspot.ca

  3. Asking questions are genuinely nice thing if you are not understanding something
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  4. What a cool thing to do! Love the Challenge Accepted pic :)


    The Other Side of Gray

  5. wow wow wow you are bold. I saw that and my first reaction was to watch HIMYM repeats on my DVR...challenge accepted. I applaud your tenacity. seriously though, i think its a great exercise. Determining where I stand on the like/love spectrum for most of my things would be a huge challenge. looking forward to seeing your process!


  6. thank you for the kind comment on my blog- what a great idea to give yourself s challenge every month! I decided last year that I wanted to be more adventurous with the trousers I wear so asked my mum to get me printed leggings for Christmas and I wore them today!! totally want to do something like this every month :)
    good luck with the cut down- I don't think I could cut down my belongings-

  7. Inês Pacheco de CastroJanuary 16, 2013 at 7:44 PM

    That is very brave of you! I could never do it :/

  8. Sounds like a great challenge
    I just culled through my closet this week and dropped off quite a bit, plus kept some stuff for an upcoming clothing swap
    Good Luck with your endeavor


  9. So brave!!! What a great challenge.


  10. this sounds like a "project". can't wait to see how it will go!


  11. Whoa-- that is super tough. Good luck, Nini!


Thank you so much for your Comments! I love hearing what you have to say. It gives me inspiration and motivation to continue being here : ) XOXO - N

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